Friday, September 2, 2011

Wrapping things up

1. I've sent an email to all of the prize winners to confirm addresses, so if your name is on the list of winners below, please check your email (there weren't any duplicate names, so if your name is on the list and you made a donation, that's you!). I've already heard back from a lot of you - thank you.

2. If you made a donation and did not receive a copy of the My Wish pattern, check your spam email box (especially if you have an AOL email address). If it's not there, please send me an email at lynnATlynnzimmDOTcom. I'll get your pattern sent out asap.

3. Thank you again to everyone who donated the amazing prizes. People gave because they believe in the work that Make A Wish does, but the possibility of also winning something - especially when the prizes are so incredible - sure makes this a lot more fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

4. And finally, thank you once again to everyone who made a donation. I really don't feel like I can say thank you enough. What an amazing two months. Together, we have made a huge difference in the lives of people who really need a bright spot. I hope to have an update from Make A Wish soon about the wishes we've helped them grant. I'll post them here when I do.

I still need to write up a recap of Team Cupcake Mafia's fun and wacky day at the Oyster and then I'll return to my blogging about the rest of my life - which of course includes lots of cute kitty photos. :) I hope you'll check in every once in a while and I definitely hope you'll be back next summer for another round of making wishes come true!

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